Portal To Bitcoin Testnet V2 GUIDE

Portal To Bitcoin Testnet V2 GUIDE

if you missed the V1 of the portal to bitcoin testnet, you could participate in version two of the testnet. Before we dive into the steps on the portal to Bitcoin Testnet V2 Let’s dive into what the tech is all about.

Portal uses Layer 2 and Layer 3 atomic swaps to create a decentralized marketplace for data and computation, replacing the centralized web server model. It leverages Fabric, a protocol that extends Bitcoin’s functionality without requiring changes (BIPs), enabling a trustless, peer-to-peer economy for data and computing power.

Steps for Portal to Bitcoin V2 testnet

  1. Install the extension, create a new wallet and secure your seedphrase

  2. Go the website and connect your portal wallet

  3. Complete onboarding task and social tasks

  4. Community tasks are games and also discord roles from Portals Discord

  5. Open the Portal wallet request for tokens and make some swaps with the extension. More swaps will increase your sparks

  6. invite your friends

Portal is redefining how data & computation are exchanged on Bitcoin. Don’t miss out—Testnet V2 is your chance to get involved early!